Kent, London & Surrey

Air Conditioning Service & Repairs

Our Kent, London & Surrey based air conditioning engineers are highly experienced, trained and qualified in handling every aspect of air conditioning service & repairs.  We can service any types of air conditioning application including:

  • Single & multi split heat pump air conditioning systems
  • Variable Refrigerant Flow systems (VRF’s and VRV’s)
  • Air Cooled Chillers
  • Air Handling and Fan Coil units
  • Fan Coil Units
  • Ventilation Plant

Our on going product training and knowledge includes manufacturers such as Daikin, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Hitachi, Toshiba, Fujitsu, Denco, Carrier and York.

Air Conditioning Maintenance

Our Air Conditioning Emergency Repair Service will provide you with:

Our Air Conditioning Emergency Repair Service will provide you with:

  • Competitive labour rates
  • Reliable Site attendance by an engineer usually within 24 hours of receiving your call
  • A written quotation for any parts required – allowing  you to keep in control of your budget. We will always advise if we consider a repair to be uneconomical. Sometimes it can make financial sense to replace old equipment with a modern, energy efficient system. We will always be honest and provide advice based on our 40 years of trading experience.
  • Air conditioning repairs in accordance with F Gas Regulations.  We are REFCOM and Safe Contractor accredited.
  • Friendly and efficient office customer service
  • Technical knowledge that is second to none.

96% of our customers tell us that they would be likely to recommend our services to others.

For phone assistance or to report a breakdown please contact us now or call freephone 0800 083 9033